The Most Beautiful Beaches in Indonesia, No Less Beautiful Than The Maldives!

 As an archipelagic country, Indonesia is blessed with millions of beautiful seas and beaches. Of the many beautiful islands, 9 of them can be your top priority.

Where are you? Here are the 9 most beautiful beaches in Indonesia that are no less beautiful than the Maldives:

1. Nihiwatu Beach, Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara

This beach ranks 17th best beach in the world! It is hidden behind the forest. This 2.5 kilometer long beach is considered an untouched paradise.

nihiwatu beach/rimbakita

nihiwatu beach/trip sumba

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2. Pink Beach, Komodo Island, East Nusa Tenggara

pink beach/detik

This pink sandy beach is definitely very unique and special. The color is pink because the white sand has been mixed with red sand. There are only seven beaches with romantic sand in the world, and the prettiest is in Indonesia!

3. Weh Island, Aceh

weh island/cruisemapper

This island is the westernmost point of our country, or what is often called Sabang. This very small island has three very beautiful beaches: Anoi Itam, Gapang, and Iboih. Been there, haven't you?

4. Raja Ampat, West Papua

raja ampat/unsplash

raja ampat/unsplash

The beauty of Raja Ampat is well known to the world. The charm is amazing. If previously it was the western point of Indonesia, Papua became the eastern point of Indonesia. It seems that there is no need to explain the beauty of this place anymore.

5. Tomini Bay, North Sulawesi

tomini bay/katalogtenpatwisata

The clarity of the water here makes this beach very suitable for diving and snorkeling. This place has not been touched much. Perfect for finding inspiration and refreshing your mind

6. Ora Beach, Central Maluku

ora beach/korinatour

This beach is known as Bora-Boranya Indonesia. No need to go all the way to Bora-Bora, French Polynesia, and the Maldives, Central Maluku has an island that is less beautiful than all of them.

7. Sawarna Beach, Banten

sawarna beach/hargatiket

This beach is located in a small village in Banten Province. For those of you who like adventure, this beach also has various rocky hills, caves, and forests. Guaranteed to be very fun!

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8. Derawan Island, East Kalimantan

derawan island/

derawan island/

Located in the eastern part of Borneo, this island has a variety of rare marine flora and fauna in the world. You can swim with non-toxic jellyfish and the world's largest green turtle there. When again, huh?

And the following is a summary of the discussion about the most beautiful beaches in Indonesia which are no less beautiful than the Maldives.

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